
April 1, 2024, in San Francisco, CA, USA (Beta Release)

July 31, 2024 in Shanghai, China

Last Edit:

September 21, 2024 in San Francisco, CA, USA

In the “Billing & Income” page, you can manage your payment method and view your Billing and Income details.


When a Guest selects an online payment method, TR3 will process the payment on behalf of the Host and hold it until the reservation check-in date. The host will then receive the payout automatically.

For example, Guest Emily selected PayPal as a payment method so she could participate and earn rewards for her booking at the XYZ hotel in New York City. Emily decided to book on the 1st of September, 2024, with check-in on the 20th of December, 2024, and check-out on the 2nd of January, 2025.



The billing card is the bill that TR3 charges you by month. It includes activated listing fees and refund transaction fees.